NYPD boss allegedly had sex with underling in precinct office

Two cops were allegedly getting busy with more than just casework at a Manhattan stationhouse, according to a federal complaint.
Special Operations Lt. Michael Disanto “engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship” with former domestic violence Sgt. Christina Ortiz “inside precinct offices,” according to a complaint filed by Lt. Emilio Rodriques with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
“Despite her official role, Ortiz spent significant time ‘entertaining’ Disanto, which prevented her from fulfilling her responsibilities,” Rodriques alleges in a whistleblower complaint that cites racial discrimination and retaliation.
“They would go lock up in her office anywhere maybe between 30 minutes and an hour,” Rodriques told The Post in an interview this week. “He would come out adjusting himself.”
The alleged encounters took place in Ortiz’s office and in commander Aneudy Castillo’s offices, according to the complaint.
“These encounters were so blatant that physical evidence, including broken nails, was left behind, reinforcing how openly this misconduct was occurring,” the complaint states.
“Their relationship directly affected the functioning of the department, as Ortiz frequently abandoned her official duties to spend extended periods with Disanto, often in the domestic violence office and the commanding officer’s office,” according to the complaint.
Castillo didn’t do anything about the affair because he and Disanto called themselves “the mafia,” according to the complaint.
“Castillo was aware of Disanto and Ortiz’s misconduct and failed to take disciplinary action because Disanto was part of the ‘family,’” according to the complaint.
And Castillo would also talk openly about the two of his underlings being in a relationship, and at one point wanted Ortiz transferred, Rodriques said.
After Rodriques complained, Castillo, Ortiz and Disanto falsely claimed that he was “unstable,” the complaint alleges.
Rodriques, who claims both Ortiz and Desanto are married, was ordered to report to the Psychological Services Unit in Queens and transferred out of the precinct, the complaint claims.
A police source familiar with the situation said Castillo hadn’t been aware of any affair between Disanto and Ortiz, and believed Rodriques was “retaliating” against the precinct’s commander over his transfer.
Disanto and Ortiz could not be reached for comment. Castillo referred a request for comment to DCPI.
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