Trump rips Biden, Democrats for DC plane crash, blames unqualified FAA employees and putting ‘policy first’

Trump rips Biden, Democrats for DC plane crash, blames unqualified FAA employees and putting ‘policy first’

WASHINGTON — Trump is railing against the Obama and Biden administrations for allegedly lowering standards for air traffic controllers.

“I changed the Obama standards from very mediocre at best to extraordinary. You remember that only the highest aptitude to be highest intellect and psychologically superior people were allowed to qualify for air traffic controllers. That was not so prior … I always felt this was a job and other jobs too.

“And then when I left office and Biden took over, he changed them back to lower than ever before. I put safety first, Obama, Biden and the Democrats put policy first, and they put politics at a level that nobody’s ever seen, because this was the lowest level.”

“I put safety first, Obama, Biden and the Democrats put policy first,” Trump said during the conference. WILL OLIVER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“About a week ago, almost upon entering office, I signed something last week that was an executive order, very powerful, and restoring the highest standards of air traffic controllers and others.”

“You have to be talented, naturally talented — geniuses — you can’t have regular people doing that, won’t be able to do it, but I will restore faith in American air travel.”

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